eventinn is the FIRST event-social platform in the world for people from all walks of life - students, professionals, business, event organizers, speakers, authors, inventors, intellectuals, entertainment, hospitality, travel and so on. eventinn is a social platform meant for people who would like to help each other.

The uniqueness of this platform is that the social concept revolves around an event. Also, it is one and the FIRST platform where the life cycle of an event extends beyond the end date of the event. We believe, events are the forces of change, forces of transformation in one's life. An event may turnout one's life differently and that depends on how the individual is carving out event interactions, helping others and receiving help from others on need basis.


Celebrating events

  • Personal (Birthdays, Anniversaries, etc.)
  • Entertainment (Shows, Dances, Performances, etc.)
  • Professional (Conferences, Seminars, Workshops, Expos, Trainings, etc.)

gives a lot of joy to all those actively participate, engage and help. We wish you can extract as much joy as you want from events through eventinn.

We are at BETA launch currently and request your continued support and patience specially during this early phase of its journey. You can suggest new features and report bugs at [email protected].

Thank you for visiting us,

eventinn team